The Montreal Forum on AI and Cybersecurity


High-tech Italian Excellence

From November 21st to the 23rd, 2022, L.I.F.E. Italia participated in the fourth edition of the Canada-Italy Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in Montreal.

The event was organized by the ICCC (Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada) and was promoted by the ICE Agency. Five Italian startups and SME’s participated in the event, and introduced their technological innovations.

During the conference, L.I.F.E. Italia also had the opportunity to interact with important figures in the digitization and cybersecurity sector. We were invited to meetings with other select startups and SME’s to discuss critical issues such as the protection and security of users’ health data.

L.I.F.E. is constantly engaging with other organizations whose values are similar to ours, and with customers and partners interested in collaboration. Although most of our commercial development is in Europe, we are also very eager to develop relationships overseas and expand our associations to countries like Canada.

23 November 2022
Farnell and L.I.F.E. sponsor sailor Alberto Riva

Technology supporting athletic training

L.I.F.E. in the BASE5G Project

5G for Sports and Wellness

Women Performance Program

Real-time monitoring in a corporate wellness event promoted by Med-Ex

New Generation Devices

INVITALIA co-financier of development activities through «Smart & Start Italia»

Pit Stop and Training Camp Sessions

Physiological parameters monitoring in collaboration with Med-Ex

Developing Our Performer Devices

We innovate in collaboration with triathlon coaches and athletes

Cupido Project

Cupido aims to hit the core of the cardiovascular disease

We were at Medica 2019

MEDICA is the world’s largest event for
the medical sector