Physiological parameters monitoring in collaboration with Med-Ex
Maranello, 27th May 2021
Five representatives of a Motorsport Pit Stop team have been asked to wear the Healer R2 device in order to monitor their physiological parameters during one of the training sessions organized by Med-Ex at the Maranello Village sport center.
Their physiological parameters have been remotely monitored in real-time by the medical director Dr. Fred Fernando, thanks to the dedicated platform Healer Cloud. In the same platform, at the end of the training session, for each subject a detailed report was available.
Healer R2 device is part of an independent multi-parametric wearable platform for monitoring applications in everyday life contexts. The device is able to record the following physiological parameters: 6-lead electrocardiographic signal (ECG); 3-channel respiratory signal; blood saturation estimation (SpO2); body temperature estimation; movement and position analysis.

Rome, 1 – 5 December 2020
6 GT drivers have been monitored during the activities foreseen for a Training Camp, organized in collaboration with Med-Ex. The event lasts 5 days and the drivers have been monitored in several contexts with different devices:
Apnea techniques session held by Alessia Zecchini, an Italian freedriver who set world and Italian records. The Healer R2 device helps in the mechanical analysis of the respiration, both of the freedriver and the drivers.
2. FUNCTIONAL TRAINING Device: Healer R2 Monitoring of the physiological parameters of the drivers during a functional training session with the Healer R2 device.
3. SLEEP MONITORING Device: Healer R1 Polysomnographic analysis of the drivers in order to monitor their sleeping with the Healer R1 device. For each driver, a report has been generated thank to the dedicated software Healer Desktop.
4. ROAD CYCLING Device: Performer X1
Monitoring of the physiological parameters of the drivers during a road cycling training session at Vallelunga circuit (Rome). Thanks to his full body coverage with several IMU sensors, the Performer X1 device allows to perform a biomechanical movement analysis.
Healer R1, Healer R2 and Performer X1 devices are part of an independent multi-parametric wearable platform for monitoring applications in everyday life contexts.
The devices are able to record the following physiological parameters: electrocardiographic signal (ECG) with several leads (12 for Healer R1; 6 for Healer R2; 6 for Performer X1); 3-channel respiratory signal; blood saturation estimation (SpO2); body temperature estimation; movement and position analysis.