Technology supporting athletic training
Always attentive to the sport-technology synergy, L.I.F.E. Italia has collaborated with Farnell, one of its suppliers of materials and electronic components, to sponsor the technical training of Alberto Riva, a young engineer and expert sailor.

In recent years, Alberto has emerged as one of the young rising stars in the world of sailing, demonstrating exceptional skills both solo and in teams, with participation in transatlantic races. It was precisely from the meeting of our organizations that the idea was born to come together and assess how our technology could help him improve his training and health condition in preparation for his sporting endeavors.
To support Alberto during his training and recovery sessions, our team provided an X10Y device, which allowed us to monitor his body’s response to training rhythms and situations of sleep deprivation or microsleep that the athlete must endure to complete his sporting endeavors.

Alberto wore our devices during several training sessions, and thanks to the feedback interpreted by the medical staff, he was able to adjust his preparation and present himself for subsequent training sessions and events in the best physical and mental condition.
This experience with Alberto is just one of the many collaborations L.I.F.E. Italia has with endurance athletes, who benefit greatly from the constant technological support provided by our devices during their training.