INVITALIA co-financier of development activities through «Smart & Start Italia»

Thanks to the financial support of the «Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’Impresa Spa» (National Agency for the Attraction of Investments and the Development of Spa Business), L.I.F.E. Italia has completed the development program and has gained a new MDD certification of the end-to-end medical system, consisting of three new families of wearable garments, Healer R1, Healer R2 and Healer R3, as class IIa Medical Devices for diagnostic purposes.
The Healer R1 garment is an updated version of its BWell “predecessor”, and it incorporates all textile, electronic, firmware, and production improvements conceived during the various field trials with patients.
The Healer R2 and Healer R3 garments introduce new concepts of wearability and usability to facilitate their use in a domestic context, particularly in the absence of medical personnel who can support the patient. The certification obtained covers three intended uses of the system: 24h Holter, Polysomnography, and Monitoring. Of the three, the Monitoring feature is L.I.F.E.’s latest development that covers medium/long-term scenarios for frail/chronic patients assisted at their home or at non-hospital facilities.