Cupido aims to hit the core of the cardiovascular disease
Cupido is an EU-funded project started in February 2017 and aiming to hit the core of the cardiovascular disease, developing inhalable nanoparticles that can deliver a therapy directly to the diseased heart.
Cupido multidisciplinary consortium consists of 12 partners: 6 academic research groups, 5 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 2 industries, and 1 pharmaceutical company. This heterogeneity of expertise putted together cutting-edge research, pre-clinical experience, and industrial manufacturing to bring an idea into a feasible product.
L.I.F.E. Italia’s role in the project was the design and development of a smart wearable device for continuous and remote monitoring in a totally non-invasive way of Minipigs, during the trials foreseen by the project.
Wearable device specifications have been defined in collaboration with clinicians from the Charité Universitätsmedizin (Berlin), one of the Europe’s largest university hospitals, where the trials took place.
The proposed wearable device is represented by a sensorised harness able to monitor the cardiac activity, the respiratory activity, and the activity level of the animals. These are the recorded physiological signals: 3-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signal, 1-channel respiratory signal, and 9-axis IMU signal (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, and 3-axis magnetometer).
The design of the wearable device as a harness, like the one widely used for dogs, has been proposed to assure as much comfort as possible for the animals and to facilitate the wearing procedure for the clinicians. Tests performed during the Cupido project’s trials confirm that the device is suitable for long-term monitoring of large animals.