L.I.F.E. at the European Researchers’ Night


Testing of Healer Technology in Milan and Bari

L.I.F.E., always actively involved in the world of research through numerous European projects and partnerships with universities and research institutes worldwide, participated in the European Researchers’ Night in two Italian cities, Milan and Bari.

As part of Milan Heart Week, on the occasion of World Heart Day on September 29, doctors and researchers from the Monzino Cardiology Center, together with L.I.F.E.’s application specialists, took part in “Open Night 2023, a tu per tu con la Ricerca” at the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.

During the event, “La t-shirt intelligente per il tuo cuore” was presented, a solution developed and produced by L.I.F.E. and tested for the first time at the Monzino Cardiology Center, which allows cardiovascular monitoring wherever you are.

L’Open Night, con un’intera serata ad accesso libero, ha dato voce alle protagoniste e i protagonisti della scienza e della ricerca per spiegare le ultime novità tecnologiche che avranno un impatto sulle nostre vite e sull’ambiente, e scoprire come l’Internet delle cose può conferire agli oggetti che utilizziamo quotidianamente una nuova identità digitale, consentendo di interagire con il web e fornire dati e servizi.

La partecipazione degli utenti all’evento è stata molto entusiasta, con numerose domande che hanno dimostrato un grande interesse nella tecnologia proposta da L.I.F.E. L’azienda è sempre molto attenta a iniziative che permettono di costruire un filo diretto con quelli che sono gli utenti finali, i pazienti, la cui soddisfazione e il cui benessere è sempre uno dei suoi capisaldi. 

In Bari, L.I.F.E.’s devices were presented as part of the Occupational Medicine project (SQU)HEAT GAMES: Climate Change and Worker Health Protection during the European Researchers’ Night 2023 event, held at the University of Bari Campus.

The interactive lab offered participants the opportunity to test the Healer R3 devices, allowing them to observe real-time physiological parameters through a visualization system. This enabled them to appreciate the variations in these parameters during physical activity and understand the risks associated with intense work in hot environments.

Additionally, as part of the project aimed at preserving the health of outdoor workers and understanding the impact of climate change, a microclimatic station was installed to monitor environmental parameters and indicators, in order to assess the degree of risk due to heat stress.

2 October 2023
Heat and Work: Monitoring Workers’ Vital Signs

Project promoted by University of Bari and used by Op Agritalia

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